Emily Ruck Keene


Born in Oxford (UK) and based in Paris (France), I have a Bachelor of Arts in French and English Literature from the University of Warwick, and a Masters in Comparative Literature from the Sorbonne, Paris IV. I am fully bilingual and have dual French-British nationality.

Prior to 2015, I worked as a media consultant at heaven advertising, as a copyeditor for Webedia, and as an art & culture journalist for ETX Studios (AFP). Since then I have worked as a full-time independent writer and translator. I am also comfortable with interviews, transcription and interpretation.

I am also the President of Paris Lit Up, a registered cultural association dedicated to the international promotion of literature and artistic communities. I have been volunteering for Paris Lit Up for over a decade, and was elected President in 2019. Among our many activities, I act as Managing Editor for our annual arts magazine (PLU), and organise international events, tours and fundraisers.


Paris Lit Up (PLU) is a non-profit association based in Paris, France. Founded in 2012, it promotes literature and the arts through local and international community events and publishing. This includes a weekly multilingual open mic (hosted in English), weekly philosophy club, monthly writing workshop, outreach workshops, arts showcases, annual tours around Europe, artist residencies and collaborations with other communities. PLU also produces an annual magazine and other publications in order to showcase work from the immediate community and farther afield.